Monday, April 30, 2007

propeller bra

found this in old scrapbook-
it says "stop motion animation lady being lifted by propeller bra"

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Marey again-I love this stuff

More about Jules Etienne Marey from the linked website:

"Marey also developed several ingenious techniques to further track and isolate movement. These techniques would reoccur several decades later in the work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, as they searched for "better" ways for the body to work, and more than 100 years later as digital technology sought to capture and trace movement, albeit for completely different reasons than Marey's.
One such technique was to cloth his subject completely in black, except for thin white bands which indicated the position of movement of the arms and legs. Photographed against the black interior of one of the "hangers" at the Station Physiologique, the subject's form was reduced to its essential components. These images of soldiers running were part of Marey's research into determining a scientific means of training soldiers."

Friday, April 27, 2007

Skuli's audio via Sean

Here's one of those songs my Stacy Hoover's
boyfriend Skuli Sverrisson (this one's called "Seria").
The rumor/myth is that he makes all the sounds with a bass (or maybe that was only true of his previous albums).

Note from Courtney: click on the link above - the file is about 5 MB, so if you use dial up, be prepared for a wait.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

from Lisa

Monday, April 16, 2007

from J

has everyone seen "Science of Sleep" (Gondry)
esp "making of..." really cool interesting stuff
how they made the flying (in the pool w/projection)
the super lo-tech approach
(also reminds me of a flying scene we had in "EC"
where there was a projection of one dancer's torso and
two other dancers' legs - the two met at one point on
the projection surface and a cardborad cut-out
cityscene was pulled underneath so it looked like the
flyer was flying over